Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvination Acupuncture

Facial Acupuncture

Facial Acupuncture (AKA Cosmetic Acupuncture) is a gentle, effective, and safe way to combat the signs of aging and without the risk or downtime of surgery or injections. Acupuncture offers many benefits to those who want to revitalize the look and feel of their skin. It builds collagen, tones muscles, improves circulation, and stimulates blood flow with no risk of scars, infections, rashes, or toxic build-up of chemicals. Facial Acupuncture is much more than a cosmetic procedure, acupuncture changes the energy flow within the body and initiates the process for constitutional rejuvenation. If energy is not flowing freely throughout your body then your organs, muscles and lymphatic system cannot function properly, which can contribute to puffiness, bags and premature aging.

Chinese medicine is based on the principle that health manifests from the inside out. Using this holistic approach, not only do your frown lines disappear, you feel better overall, sleep better, have more energy and better digestion. As you age, the 57 muscles in your face gradually lose their tone and mass. Loss of tone and mass causes the sagging, deep wrinkling and tired look associated with aging. Acupuncture stimulates the muscle function, and the face lifts itself via the acupuncture points. Thus returning the face to a healthier, revitalized, youthful appearance. Hair thin needles are placed in the outside of the ear to induce relaxation, and body points are used which correspond the individual’s specific needs. There is a sense of well being as a flood of endorphins is released throughout the body. Once you are in a state of deep relaxation, needles are placed on the face in acupuncture points as well as wrinkles. The needles placed in the wrinkles create a micro trauma, which causes collagen to be produced.

Acupuncture has its basis in keeping energy flowing throughout the body, therefore nourishing all of the organs including the LARGEST organ in our body… the skin.

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What is Facial Cupping and Guasha?

After Acupuncture Treatment Care

After Acupuncture Treatment Care